Cetacean Sunsets

Cetacean Sunsets
Uploaded by Elizabeth Zwamborn on 15 Jan 2019 in Halifax

As a marine mammalogist, I've seen cetaceans against many different backgrounds - stormy seas, glassy calm waters, choppy bays, and rolling swells. However, my favourites are often the simple silhouettes of dorsal fins and rolling backs against the vivid colours of a brilliant sunset. This image captures the form of a Pacific white-sided dolphin traversing Blackfish Sound, British Columbia, on a peaceful night at the end of September.

Tagged: dolphin sunset cetacean british columbia

1 Comment

Jane LeBlanc posted 2019-01-18 2:29pm

Elizabeth, my first time whale watching was from Briar Island, off Digby, Nova Scotia. The sun was setting, and it left a real mark on me. Since I live on the Bay of Fundy coast (on the New Brunswick side) I go whale watching at least once a year, and encourage visitors to do the same. We are more likely to protect what we've seen and enjoyed. Really nice shot.


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