Lickin The Gravel

Lickin The Gravel
Uploaded by Laurence Darcy on 21 Jan 2019 in TORONTO

Two Big Horn Sheep Licking the salt off of the ground.


Laurence Darcy posted 2019-01-22 8:08am

Just so you know I meant to put Jasper National Park in BC but the ma was being supid and mapped it as Tennessee

Laurence Darcy posted 2019-01-22 8:08am

Just so you know I meant to put Jasper National Park in BC but the ma was being supid and mapped it as Tennessee

Laurence Darcy posted 2019-01-22 8:08am

Just so you know I meant to put Jasper National Park in BC but the ma was being supid and mapped it as Tennessee

Laurence Darcy posted 2019-01-22 8:08am

Just so you know I meant to put Jasper National Park in BC but the ma was being supid and mapped it as Tennessee

Laurence Darcy posted 2019-01-22 8:08am

Just so you know I meant to put Jasper National Park in BC but the ma was being supid and mapped it as Tennessee


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